Genre: Synth-Pop, Indie Rock

Label: XL, Merok

This band was an unfortunate one album wonder. That never got the justice it deserved. As it did come out when there were a bunch of bands and albums that were being toutednas the next big thing. Just like this band they all had heavy synth. This band seems to ha r just gotten lost in the shuffle And didn’t have enough fanfare or stamina to make it or another album.

They were formed as a joke at first with a single “HOMECOMING” that caught an audience. As did their sound. which was synth pop with explicit lyrics. Thus seemingly like a true young band. They stayed around as long as it was fun and interesting. Soon as they got distracted or into something else. They left the music their precious fascination behind. Like an ex they don’t talk to anymore

What continues to fascinate me about this album a decade later is that it keeps it in regular rotation. Not only is it representative of a time when all these bands from Europe (they are French singing in English) were continuously tagged as the next big thing while the pipeline for record companies was going down in flames. Each of these bands had some kind of gimmick that set them apart.

This album is remarkable for its mistakes. It sounds pretty basic like a teenage French band singing in English about the problems of being not only a teenager but also being an export In America and about to be big. Though for something that seeks a simple sound it is overproduced. The album more sounds like a new wave album. I am sure this is meant to be ironic or seen as an homage. But it seems more on Target and a sound. Unfortunately, the audience it was intended for was either small or never discovered.

It doesn’t help that most of the songs are talk-sung and the lead isn’t particularly a good singer. he keeps a tone but with such a heavy French accent. Was it the looks that were supposed to be the draw? Maybe he was the songwriter also. As he is average at best as a frontman and seems like there might have been an instant star try here. A little rough, and crude, and yet an acceptable rock band for teenagers.

They seemed like they were talking half the time instead of singing and only singing when wanting to impress Or seem emotional.

This album is like an artifact. As the band seems to have only made this album which is heavily indebted to 1980’s new wave music. It could almost be an album from that era.

That seemed like they could have developed into something special but they disappeared. Kind of like the interest of who they named themselves after. This seems more like a project that was tried and was actually good and soon maybe as how much work was needed to put in the band seemed to have lost interest and stopped or maybe the album didn’t sell as much as expected and they are dropped by the record company. Who knows?

The album even has a song named after Scarlett Johansson was it a song about their fascination with her or just trying to get played on the radio by making a current at that time pop culture reference for an up and c Ming beautiful star?

A nice album of new wave-ish music. Each song on the album has a beat you can move your head and neck to like at a party and with some energy and emotion maybe even move your feet

Like the characters in A NIGHT AT THE ROXBURY but the music is good here. This is the type of album you put on when you are in your 20ms and invite a bunch of friends over to hang. You can listen to it or be background music and still be satisfied.

It’s also a good album to use as a deduction device with songs that are seeet yet forceful.

The album plays like a mixtape you would send to the girl you have a crush on. Not only to translate your feelings but to provide excellent make-out music.

The band reminds me of Phoenix Maybe it is because they are both French and use keyboards, But this is a more feeling. As Phoenix is more partying with a cause and meditative The teenagers are a bit more subdued yet manufactured but definitely seduction-oriented while keeping a beat. As they seem more interested in girls and romance.

While I will admit some songs just sound like talking or monologues out to keyboard melodies. This is a worthwhile album

I will admit they seem more manufactured and dreamt up, especially after disappearing after this album but hey the band Black Lods finally made a follow-up album recently after nearly a decade so who knows maybe the teenagers will return older and wiser.

The album is like a teen classic movie that you come back to yearly to admire and relive it. Either that or the soundtrack to one or even just one of the bands that comes from the movie and unfortunately the very limited place that you can find them. Though by the end of the album it sounds and feels like a dream.

The whole album is worth listening to. As there is only maybe one forgettable song. They goes along with the legend or one album wonders.


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