The noose is getting tighter and where does it go from there because it looks like the end and have to be creative.

So it doesn’t feel like a cop out. Then Where does it go from there? A reinvention? rebirth while being born again and most of all an overview.

Deeper than that lost connection with feelings.
Falling into A void
Something is missing or out of whack
Feel numb and alone

just noticing how empty my life is, entertainment helps connect me

Reading SICKER IN THE HEAD truly inspiring.
Looking at masterminds of humor and creativity In their own artistic pursuits and talents. Their thoughts, approach, stories and all around love plus fandom, intentions and opportunities in their craft. Not only is it infectious, but a kind of unofficial masterclass. That gets into work ethics and psychology for some.

Definitely for fans of comedy, filmmaking, art and writings. As it feels like you are getting insider information and getting to know the subjects a little bit. From people who are in the business, but obviously love what they do.

These people are influences and very inspiring.

Just as author/Interviewer Filmmaker/comedian/writer/producer Judd Apatow interviewed comedians as a teen. Not only as a fan but to kind of figure out comedy. Trying to study it to make himself good at it. Here he does the same with all the creative people he admired and looks up to. While explaining his own views, stories and theories.

He comes across as a contemporary of sorts for them and also a fan still. Talking shop but allowing himself to still be shocked and learn things.

Between that and watching the latest seasons of ATLANTA, OZARK and BARRY. Not to mention WINNING TIME.

My passion feels really revitalized after a personal setback that left me wounded. All of this has left me feeling truly happy and determined again.

I intended to write more, but this is a book best experienced for what you seek and what you get out of it. Rather then just word of mouth.

I Don’t know if I have the magic. When it comes to words. As I can write all I want, but is it on beat? Do I have the right Rhythms? Is it a good spell or even the right one? Or is it all hocus pocus, cheap tricks that work in the moment. Done by someone who is best a sorcerers apprentice. Who studies and loves the craft, but whose knowledge of the subject is more born out of fascination and fandom
Then actually having the skills and talent.

We all have doubt at times that can linger, but how much time and strength are you going to give it and when are you going to fight against it. To prove to yourself? I try to just keep moving forward learn along the way. See where it takes you.

In my own writing, wondering at times. if it is more like my personality or me, personally.

Where I overthink and use so many words to explain something that maybe able to say simply thinking that by adding all these details I am also giving an explanation too. Nuance where maybe they will see the wavelength and a chance to add so much in there.

In the end I wish at times I could feel confident in saying things with so few words, like a song where they use a few words that set a mood or tone and offer language which seems to be appreciated and recognized.

Sometimes even without the nice sounds or rhythms that we call music. Yet everyone recognizes it

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