GENRE: Alternative Rock, Indie Pop


This is an album I should have known about sooner rather then later. As this would have probably been on rotation in my teenage years and after. Truly feel like others who knew about it formed some kind of club or spoke a Misfit language.

As this seems like an album one would take personally and feel like it’s their own little love letter, filled with romance and heartache, that shows a devotion that you care. Even after It’s over and haven’t had time to process. As the love is still there and suddenly interrupted that you have to get used to your new reality and that they aren’t really coming back in a good way. But while you do the songs and album

Makes you move while in your sadness.

Traveling around wherever or you have energy and you wanted to cheer up in a good way but it’s like a car that just won’t start. Where you get that sound like it’s almost catching on but then it sputters out and you keep trying to start it, but it never can quite catch and you try to go out Find some joy or happiness to get that engine started. You look around try to find fun things to do or even just Bogart on other peoples happiness and try to feel happy for that, but mostly you’ll probably end up at home finger painting trying to see if you can get that child like joy from it. That you once did, this album is the soundtrack of that.

The songs seem to lead into one another. The song CRAB WALK is kind of instrumental intermission.

Apparently this album was actually a compilation album of sorts. As it contains six tracks from their United Kingdom debut EDEN As well as two UK singles and four B-sides. Which would explain the song crab walk as an intermission as it is more the beginning of the additions. Though in the United States , the self titled album was released this way.

This sounds More like a jazz album to the tune of my funny Valentine ballad

As this is the album you would listen to on a rainy day, preferably in a foreign country in a hotel room while you sip your coffee

Finding yourself Only going outside to find a caring face if alone, or get lost In your significant others face and body, if not.

This is An Album that definitely sounds like goths listened to a lot.

Would love to hear this as an acoustic or unplugged live album. Definitely would be a vinyl purchase.

When it comes to this album. It feels I’m late to the party once again, please forgive me. This is definitely a classic album. I’ll admit this was the second time listening to this band and listening to this album for the first time has left me all my feelings. Listen, it Has to be maybe a little more weathered into my consciousness for to truly be a classic for me, but it’s definitely a classic album just from, Listening the first time, because you know to truly be a classic. One has to be able to just hear a few notes from a song from it and know immediately who it is or what song it is or when you’re feeling a particular way,

It’s like “you know what I’m in the mood for some everything but the girl” Early or middle who knows that is when you have truly been ingrained in my consciousness. but then again, this could just be a one off.

I mean there’s only one true Melissa Etheridge album I love that is a classic. (BRAVE AND CRAZY) Now I like singles off of her other albums, but I can’t say I love Any of her other albums as much, or even close to as much as I love that one. I am hoping that is not repeated here hoping maybe this will be my new (older) favorite group that were around, but I never listen to and then discovered late. Sorry i can’t offer any other reference of a band that I can think of that is a similar situation. because I usually listen to a little bit of this a little bit of that from most bands, but I’m sure there’s still more that I haven’t quite yet

Sorry, I know it’s supposed to be a universal review and here I am making it more of a personal one. so I apologize for that if you’re still reading or if you’re skipping around, probably skip the paragraphs or paragraph above this.

There is Something special about this album and these songs.

As they are Romantic in its longing.

Emo in the surface with a bop In it’s heart

Secure within itself. Vulnerable yet wants to share and seemingly designed for it. as it was the technology at the time. Allowing for a richness that makes it seem or have more soulful.

Grade: 8.5/10

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