THE OFFICE is a comfort show to me where I can watch at anytime and get lost in and feel an instant comfort like visiting old friends. We all have that show(s), Movie(s) and Albums.

My only problem is that when it comes to certain seasons of the show. I can only watch a handful of episodes of them. Particularly the first and last two seasons 8 and 9. As they have some great moments and even a good episode or two. Though ultimately the seasons are unsatisfactory.

Season 1 more because it was trying to copy the British version and Carell’snslicked back hair was distracting and as the show went on. It didn’t fit his character. As it seemed it was more the personality and as the character developed he got softer and more humane. As he had a normal haircut and the show developed it’s own personality. As I didn’t stsry watching the show loyally until season 4. I watched the Dvd’s from Netflix and as I kept watching found the show getting funnier and found myself more invested.

In season’s 8 and 9. Barely an episode is flawless. As they might have good moments and ideas. There is usually something a scene or plot thread that ruins it or throws it off course.

Once Steve Carell’ character Michael Scott left the show. It seeemd to go downhill. They were losing their star even thought it was an ensemble and many of his catchphrases, but also certain writers became show runners rather than just head writers.

Though as in life, once one loses someone in their life. it’s understandable that sometimes another comes into it as kind of a replacement or another friend seems to get bumped up a notch to help deal with the loss. Just as it’s reasonable after a boss or manager leaves. There has to be a replacement who takes over.

Will Ferrell being on the shown was an Empty promise, though it would have worked more now, but at the time it seemed like a big tease and more shocking that a comedic movie star would be starring in a televison show. Especially while he was on a hot streak. It’s usually the other way around.

It seems that when it came to season 8, they were hoping to land a notable star to take over the show’s regional manager role. James Gandolfini reportedly was close to signing on, but he wasn’t all that confident in taking the role.

I imagine also Going back to televison and while it was an ensemble. It would feel like having a spotlight on himself having the Show on his shoulders. If it didn’t work he would be blamed. it would have been a big undertaking especially when it came To a hot show and a beloved character leaving such huge shoes to fill. It might have been seen as a gimmick, Stunt casting to be exact.

The show needed a big personality to fill those shoes and it choose a memorable guest star not known for Comedy, James Spader to Take Over. Which felt a little like they were going the famous or Star route. Though the show promoted Ed helms to move front and center. Since at the time he seemed like he was going to be the next big comedic star to emerge From The show.

It was an experiment that failed with James Spader seemingly, Not fitting in and his appearances seeming more awkward and uncomfortable. Until finally being written off. Though while Still around Ed Helms character of Andy, who was once a bully with anger issues then a pushover became a sweet and ineffectual boss. Though he lacked the charisma and sensitiveness of Steve Carrell. Whose character Michael Scott you still Liked even at his worst and most deluded

Andy’s character also got caught in a romance with Erin the sweet receptionist. Where it seeemd like they were going to be another Jim and Pam was stopped cold. First he was in a good relationship which Erin kept trying to break up. Finally when that happened, he seemingly ran away to find himself and came back the same but different and Erin started to Move on. As there were new cast members over the seasons.

The characters were more relied upon to provide laughs and given more stories. Espeically outbof the office so that they could all Interact with one another.

The show also tried something new in an episode showing a crew member that is filming then come Out to comfort Pam after a fight with Jim and putting him as a potential romantic suitor for Pam against Jim.

Who was starting a new business venture and becoming more of a bit of a jerk. Maybe that is part of growing up bit also having a threat to this happy couple that the fans loved. It ended up going nowhere like that episode in season 2 of LOST where they try to introduce two new characters then spend an episode explaining their complicated history before killing them Off. Sort of admitting to the fans they made a mistake and giving them this peace offering. As well as a memorable episode in trying to erase their mistakes.

Also with Jim out of the office, there was no running banter, pranks or competition between him and Dwight a hallmark of the show. Even if it was getting long in tooth. It was growing and losing what many had come to expect, But it wasn’t growing into what anyone truly enjoyed maybe these last Seasons were it’s Growing pains until The finale.

The show at this point had too much invested in it to simply just stop. So they kept trying to bring it back to it’s Hey day with Memorable bad managers and owners. It even added English comedy star Catherine Tate as at first a boss then a worker prone to groveling after embarrassing herself as a boss. That seemed cruel even for the wickedness or mean spirit her character showed before. It would be like forever punishing Dwight and never letting him Have any victories.

Speaking of Dwight Schrute the two Seasons bulked up his storylines, including a back door pilot at his families farm and the revolving romance between he and angela. As well as the paternity of her child. So Now other than Andy and Erin on the Romance front, we had two characters who were known to be audience faves but whose characters weren’t always likeable. We were supposed to be rooting for them to get together. Once Andy and Erin were on the outs. They tried to have a replacement Jim and Pam with Erin, Still a receptionist fall for a salesman Pete played by Jake Lacy. But it felt like a case of been there done that.

Just as there was more intensity in the Kelly Kapoor And Ryan romance that was codependent and doomed but always switching as to who wanted who. Even though they were terrible for one another.

So the show always had romantic triangles that were running in circles. Even though by the end the boss who seems perfect for the job Dwight Schrute finally Got the position. Which is why the final Episode kind of redeemed itself.

A great reunion and ending of most storylines. The show did have a handful of decent episodes and moments. That could be edited into one season if one needed a bridge until the Finale.

On the end the ironic thing is that though the network knew his contract was expiring and the show runners also. No one asked Steve Carrell if he wanted to do another season or two. Which he says now he would have agreed to if asked. Though many assumed since at that point he had a successful big screen career he would want to pursue that it at least want a big sum of money to come back, so they never did the simple thing of asking him. As maybe it was thought they had a good thing gong and as the show was more an ensemble it’s Sad to Lose a major cast member. They could still go On. The same mentality the show runners of MASH. Who Had seen characters and actors come and go must have thought with afterMash?

Would the show’s Quality had stayed the same if he did? who knows but one would like To think it wouldn’t Have been worse

In these two seasons. it seemed more experimental like they were throwing things up against the wall and tried to go with what stuck. The fans tried to stay around as the show did get a final 10th season. Though you would think they would have tried to improve or go for broke with it knowing they had a limited number of episodes, but it seemed the fans and maybe the staff had lost faith on the show. They seemed like they were lining up for the future after the show. They were over it as much as some Of the fans.

Then again, this Is how I looked at it.

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